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Bow River Trout Foundation has engaged with Calgary’s River Access Strategy to support the development of new boat ramps on the Bow River. Ogden Bridge was developed in 2020. Details of the planned developments can be found at the following link. Priority Access Sites. Each site will cost approximately $500,000 of which river users are asked to contribute $75,000 to each site development. The balance paid by the City of Calgary.
Bow River Trout Foundation has forged an agreement with Sherbrooke Investments Ltd, the property owner, to develop Policeman’s Flats boat access site that was devastated by the 2013 flood. A three-phase development has taken place to remove instream rocks that were hazardous to access to the river. Upgrades to the parking area and amenities were added. The total cost of the project was more than $30,000. Maintenance of the site will be continued into the future.