Bow River Flow Forecasts
Daily Average Releases from Ghost & Bearspaw
TransAlta Bow River flow release forecasts from Ghost and Bearspaw reservoirs will be posted on the Bow River Trout Foundation website Monday, Wednesday, and Friday until October 2021. The flow forecasts are a predicted daily average flow and are governed by upstream supply. During the course of the day, flows can fluctuate to meet the daily predictions and demands. River users with questions can contact us at TransAlta Hydro Operations at hydro_operations@transalta.com or call 1-877-967-2555.
Bow River flows are generally stable in the fall of the year within a range of 50 to 70 cms. Flow forecasts will only be posted when predictions are outside of this range.
TransAlta the operator of the Ghost Reservoir on the Bow River upstream of Calgary entered into an agreement with Alberta Environment & Parks (AEP) in 2014 with a pilot project to assess a flood mitigation model that would aid in the control of the Bow River’s seasonal high flows. Details in the following link: TransAlta Ghost Reservoir Pilot Project
Visit the Alberta River Basin Map – Recording Stations to access flow rates.
Go to the following mobile app and select your own station flow rates: AEP River App